Our Guarantee

At Perstrive, we are committed to delivering tangible results for our clients through our Facebook advertising services. We understand the importance of generating leads for your business, and we stand behind our promise to provide value for your advertising investment.

Our Guarantee:
Perstrive guarantees a minimum of 20 leads for every $1000 in ad spend on Facebook. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond mere promises, and we proudly display a guarantee of 50 leads for a monthly ad spend of $2500.

Definition of a Lead:
A lead, as defined by Perstrive, encompasses the following actions:

Clicks on Ad: Interaction with the advertisement. Goes to Form: Navigates to the designated form page. Fills Out Contact Information: Includes full name, phone number, email, and city.

Our Commitment to You:
If, for any reason, we fail to meet our guarantee of 20 leads per $1000 in ad spend before your next billing date, we will take immediate corrective action. In such cases:

Work for Free: We will continue working on your advertising campaign without charging our management fee until we achieve the guaranteed number of leads. We do NOT cover your advertising cost under any circumstances.

Example Scenario:
For instance, if billing commenced on the 1st of January, and by the 31st we have attained 18 leads, there will be no charge on the 1st of February. Should we reach the 20-lead threshold on the 3rd of February, this date becomes the new billing cycle. This process continues until the guaranteed leads are achieved or our services are canceled.

Refund Policy:
Perstrive does not provide any refunds under any circumstances. Our focus is on delivering results, and we remain dedicated to ensuring the success of your advertising campaign.

By choosing Perstrive, you are partnering with a team that is not only confident in its ability to generate leads but also willing to stand behind its promises. We are committed to your success, and our guarantee is a testament to the trust we place in our expertise and the value we bring to your business.

Thank you for choosing Perstrive.